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4 Ways Telemedicine Enhances the Emergency Department Experience [White Paper]


Emergency department workloads have never been heavier: There are more than 130 million ED visits annually just in the United States, putting big pressure on medical providers who must triage, review, analyze, diagnose and decide on the best course of treatment for ED patients.

This scenario has been exacerbated by continued utilization by many patients of the ED for less-pressing medical problems, adding to the long wait times in EDs and making it a more frustrating experience for patients with more acute health issues. This not only takes away from the patient experience, but it also puts mounting pressure on ED doctors and nursing staff to juggle ever-increasing demands.

Telemedicine is an exciting and efficient way to address many of the ED-related challenges. Telemedicine solutions are helping hospitals to improve patient outcomes, reduce costs and give practitioners more time to spend with the more serious medical problems, while still allowing them a new way to care for patients who don’t necessarily need to come to the ED.

Read about how telemedicine solutions help hospitals alleviate the challenges of crowded EDs, while improving ED workflow efficiency, reduce costs and even increase revenue.



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