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NG Healthcare Digital Summit Recap: Accelerating Consumer-Centric Care

NG Healthcare Digital Summit Recap: Accelerating Consumer-Centric Care

Healthcare is becoming more competitive and consumer-focused than ever before. Our mission remains clear: delivering enterprise healthcare systems the resources they need to craft world-class patient experiences. 

On Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022 eVisit sponsored a panel discussion titled Revolutionizing the Patient Experience and Accelerating Consumer-Centric Care at the  NG Healthcare Digital Summit: Technology for Patient-Centric Care, hosted by the GDS Group.

I was proud to participate in this event alongside Brian Carlson, VP of Patient Experience at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Alex Chimon, VP of Digital at HCSC, and Dr. Bryan Graham, Medical Director, Virtual Emergency Medicine Program at the Cleveland Clinic. 

Please take the time to check out our panel discussion from the NG Health Digital Summit: 

Providers have a vested interest in delivering not only the highest quality care outcomes but also ensuring their services are packaged to empower and invigorate patients. As our industry shifts towards delivering more robust digital services, telehealth and virtual care solutions take center stage and represent a key touch point linking providers and patients.

I wholeheartedly believe that technology adoption will continue to revolutionize the patient experience, delivering value to provider networks, reducing the cost of care, and ultimately delivering on eVisit’s core vision to simplify healthcare to everyone, everywhere

In this article, learn more about the panel discussion I participated in at the NG Healthcare Digital Summit and the impactful work being done across our industry to revolutionize the patient experience through the consumerization of care

BG - NG Healthcare Digital Summit Recap - Inside

NG Healthcare Digital Summit Recap: Delivering the Technology to Support the Highest Quality Patient-Centric Care 

Over the last decade, I’ve been privileged to enjoy an unforgettable career in telemedicine—first, on the national provider side, and today, as founder and CEO of virtual care technology vendor eVisit.

I am proud to be on the frontlines of the patient experience revolution and working to accelerate consumer-centric care models on a daily basis. Our mission directive is clear: deliver enterprise healthcare systems highly-configurable and non-competitive technologies that allow them to do what they do best — craft singular and unforgettable patient journeys 

In the time that I’ve been involved with healthcare IT, I’ve watched as technology adoption has rapidly accelerated. Today, as I look around the wider landscape of telehealth service provisioning, I see a divide growing where large regional healthcare groups are trying to compete against well-established national provider networks to deliver their own virtual care solutions. 

All providers want to meet their patients where they are and over the last couple of years, the rapid implementation of telehealth solutions has continued to divide the industry with many providers working to deliver new technologies, while others have continued to sit back and watch. These decisions are never simple and many organizations have found out firsthand the detrimental impact of delivering the wrong virtual care solution at what felt like the perfect moment. 

It’s important to remember that if we roll back the clock to 2020-2021, many healthcare systems found themselves painted into a corner with staff shortages, facility closures, and a severe public health emergency quickly becoming the new normal of day-to-day operations. 

The COVID-19 pandemic, on the one hand could be said to, accelerate the adoption of virtual care solutions, but I believe deep down, that it actually slowed innovation from reaching patients. Many provider networks made strategic investments in telemed not because they wanted but because they had to. However, somewhere along the way, patient consumers began to see the immense utility of telehealth services and this created the heightened sense of competition that continues to permeate our industry today. 

Healthcare service delivery is incredibly complex and nuanced. It is detail-oriented and it can be very time-consuming. While digital technologies offer tremendous benefits, they can only be fully realized when telehealth solutions are configured to solve the real-world issues providers face in their unique areas of the care landscape. 

Consumers want access to simple, safe, and seamless digital experiences available nearly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Meanwhile, providers have started to learn that delivering that level of service requires a more thoughtful approach than many were able to muster during the first couple of years of the global pandemic. 

Technology by itself is not enough but must be aligned with the core values, mission, and organizational capacities of provider networks. Delivering on the promise of patient-centered care demands that healthcare systems embrace a culture of continuous improvement and realize that virtual care services must serve as an extension of the high-quality consumer-focused experiences patients receive when conducting in-person care visits. 

As we move into the future, it seems quite clear that the most successful healthcare organizations will be the ones that can deliver the highest quality patient-centric care, both in person and across their digital ecosystems. They will work aggressively to deliver highly configurable and personalizable workflows that will simplify and improve access to care

Learn More 

Published: August 16, 2022
Topics: patient experience consumer-centric care NG Health Digital Summit

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